Category Archives: Defective Products

Examples of Defective Product Injuries
Every day, all of us rely on countless products to make our lives easier, safer, and more enjoyable. From household appliances and electronics to vehicles and medical devices, we trust that the products we use have been designed and manufactured with care. That said, product defects are possible. And when defects occur in the… Read More »

What Are the Three Types of Defects for Product Liability Lawsuits?
If you have been injured by a defective product, you may be wondering if you have a case for a product liability lawsuit. In order to determine this, it is important to understand the three different types of defects that can lead to a successful product liability claim. Product liability lawsuits can arise from… Read More »

Who Is Liable For Defective Product Injuries?
We don’t always trust our products to work 100% as promised, but we generally trust them not to hurt us. When a defective product injures you or a loved one, it can be a jarring, upsetting, and expensive experience. It can be hard to know exactly who to hold accountable for the harm that… Read More »

Tesla Faces Yet Another Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit
Elon Musk has been in the news a good deal recently due to his proposed acquisition of Twitter. But Musk’s current company, Tesla, has been in court a lot more addressing legal challenges to the safety of its famous electric cars. Indeed, here in Florida and around the country, there have been multiple personal… Read More »

Tesla Sued Over Suspension Defect Tied To The Deaths Of 2 People In Florida Crash
Any defective consumer product carries the risk of seriously injuring–or even killing–an innocent consumer. Unfortunately, when that product is an automobile, those risks expand significantly. A defect in the design or manufacture of a car may kill not only that vehicle’s occupants but also other bystanders as well. A recently filed Florida personal injury… Read More »

What Does “Personal Jurisdiction” Mean In A Florida Personal Injury Case?
Anytime you file a lawsuit against someone, you need to establish the court’s personal jurisdiction over that defendant. In personal injury cases this is often difficult. If two Florida drivers get into an auto accident, for example, Florida courts have personal jurisdiction over both parties. Even when a defendant is not a Florida resident,… Read More »

What Is A “Himalaya” Clause And How Could It Affect My Personal Injury Lawsuit?
There are many situations where you are presented with a “terms and conditions” document that purports to create a legally binding contract between you and a service provider. For example, if you have ever booked a cruise out of Florida, your ticket (or its related paperwork) will contain a substantial amount of legal text…. Read More »

Florida Judge Continues To Sort Out Zantac Litigation
Since the 1980s, Zantac–the brand name of the drug ranitidine–has been one of the most popular over-the-counter medications in U.S. history. Millions of people have purchased and used Zantac, and later its generic equivalent, to treat heartburn and related conditions. Unfortunately, multiple scientific studies have found that ranitidine can transform into another chemical compound,… Read More »

How Different Laws Can Affect A Defective Medical Device Lawsuit
Product liability lawsuits can involve a number of parties. In the case of a defective medical device, for example, you may have a claim against the original manufacturer of the device, the supplier who distributed it, and the doctor who used the device to treat you. The specific laws that apply to each of… Read More »

What Happens When A Manufacturer Tries To Shift Blame For Producing A Defective Product?
Shifting blame is a common defense tactic in personal injury litigation. When it is clear the plaintiff suffered some injury caused by negligence, the defendant will often try and claim another defendant–or even a third party not named in the lawsuit–is actually to blame. Such blame-shifting can convince a jury to apportion most, if… Read More »