The Most Common Types of Personal Injury Lawsuits in Florida

Who wants to be involved in or injured in a car accident? Absolutely no one. But unfortunately, almost 400,000 people find themselves in this exact position every single year just here in the state of Florida. And that’s just ONE of the types of personal injuries that can occur here in the Sunshine State. You can actually get hurt because of someone else’s actions in many different ways. And when you are injured because of another person’s careless or negligent behavior, it is probably in your best interest to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. These kinds of legal actions afford an injured person the opportunity to obtain compensation when someone else’s wrongful conduct causes harm. However, because these injuries don’t automatically result in legal liability, it is always best to obtain the help of an experienced personal injury attorney as early as possible who can help advise you on how to successfully proceed with your claim.
Some of the most common types of personal injury cases are outlined below.
- Car Accidents. The bulk of the personal injury cases in the United States result from car accidents. Many of these accidents happen because a driver fails to pay attention to or follow the rules of the road. Car accidents can also result from factors that are easily avoidable such as speeding, driving while impaired with drugs or alcohol, texting while driving, automotive design defects, or road rage.
- Medical Malpractice. These kinds of claims can develop when a doctor or other health care professional provides treatment that falls below the appropriate medical standard of care and a patient is injured as a result. These are incredibly complex cases and can also be challenging to prove. You will definitely want the help of an experienced attorney to pursue any kind of medical malpractice claim.
- Slip and Falls. Slip and fall accidents, which we often see in the form of premises liability cases, are quite common – and quite deadly. According to the National Safety Council, the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related death in this country is falls. In fact, about 9.2 million people were treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries in 2016 alone.
Are You Debating Your Next Steps After a Personal Injury?
The examples outlined above are just a few of the most common types of personal injury lawsuits. If you or a loved one have experienced at least one of these situations or any other kind, you may have a valid personal injury suit. It always helps in this kind of situation to have a skilled attorney on your side who can help clarify what your next steps should be. If you would like to learn more about these types of cases, or would like to discuss your particular case, the South Florida auto accident attorneys Leifer & Ramirez can help. No matter how common personal injuries may be, we understand that your injuries and situation are unique. We will help you understand your rights and find the best solution for your individual situation. Contact us today to begin.