What Characteristics to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney

When we leave our home, we expect to return home safely later that day. Unfortunately, far too many people don’t have that happen. Whether they suffer an injury in a car accident, get hurt at work, or sustain injuries in some other way, there are times people don’t make it home safely like they had anticipated.
These unfortunate accidents can happen anytime and anywhere, and when they happen due to another person’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation. That is where an experienced personal injury steps in.
With advertisements on nearly every street corner it can be overwhelming trying to determine who the best lawyer is to handle your case, but finding the right attorney can make the difference in how much compensation you receive and how fast your case is finished. It’s important that you do your homework and don’t settle for the first attorney that catches your attention.
Characteristics of a Good Personal Injury Attorney
Who you hire to represent you will matter. They will make sure you get good medical care without having to worry about your medical bills. They can make sure that you are compensated for your lost wages while taking time off to recover, and they can give you peace of mind that your case is being handled quickly and professionally. So, how do you know when you’ve found the right attorney? These are some of the signs you should look for:
Good Communication – As with many other aspects of life, good communication is the key to success when it comes to your personal injury case too. You need to be sure the attorney you hire is easily accessible and can easily communicate with you about your case in a way that you can understand.
Professional Conduct – Your attorney should be on time for meetings and appointments and should always file documents in a timely manner. Because Florida has strict time limits for personal injury cases, failing to meet those deadlines could result in a complete loss of compensation. A good attorney will also consult with you on important decisions regarding your case.
Experience – While attorneys are often lumped into one category, there are many areas of law an attorney can practice. Just because your attorney has experience handling car accident cases doesn’t mean they have experience handling workers’ compensation cases, for example. Be sure they have handled cases similar to yours and don’t be afraid to ask what the outcome of those cases were.
Compassionate and Empathetic – While you want an attorney that will get the job done, you should also feel like your attorney cares about what you are going through. If you are consulting with a personal injury attorney, you have likely suffered pain and frustration and those situations shouldn’t be taken lightly be your attorney. While you don’t need to be their best friend, they should be understanding of what you are going through.
You’ve Found the Perfect Attorney. Now What?
If you feel like you’ve found the perfect match to handle your personal injury case, the rest of your journey will be much smoother. While the search can take time, in the end it will pay off not just in the compensation you receive, but in your peace of mind. The Boca Raton attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez have years of experience handling cases just like yours. Contact us today to schedule a consult at one of their convenient Florida locations.