Who’s Liable In A Side-Impact Collision?

Side-impact collisions can be devastating and can result in serious injuries and even deaths for those involved. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, side-impact collisions accounted for 23% of fatalities among passenger vehicle occupants in 2020, which makes these collisions some of the most dangerous types of crashes.
It is important to understand who is at fault in these situations so that an individual knows who to pursue compensation. If you were involved in a side-impact collision, contact our lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez for legal assistance. Our Boca Raton side-impact accident lawyers can answer your questions and help you determine who should be held liable for causing your crash.
Liability in Side-Impact Collisions
Determining liability in side-impact collisions can often be difficult due to their unpredictable nature. However, understanding certain scenarios can help individuals involved in such accidents determine who might bear responsibility for compensating them for their losses.
Let’s discuss who could potentially be liable for causing a side-impact collision in these four common scenarios.
A Driver Drifts Into an Adjacent Lane
If a driver drifts into an adjacent lane, they may be liable for any damage caused by a resulting collision. Depending on the situation, it may be possible to prove negligence if the driver was distracted or otherwise careless while driving. If the other driver was able to avoid the collision by taking evasive action, however, then the drifting driver may not be held liable for any resulting damages.
A Driver Performs a Left Turn
In most cases, when two vehicles collide while one is making a left turn, the driver performing the left turn will likely be found at fault. This is because drivers making left turns are legally required to yield to oncoming traffic before turning, and if they fail to do so, they can be held liable for any resulting damages.
A Driver Runs a Red Light or Stop Sign
If a driver runs a red light or stop sign and causes a side-impact collision as a result, then they can almost certainly be held liable for any resulting damages. Drivers have an obligation to obey all traffic signals and signs, and when they fail to do so, they are usually found at fault for any resulting accidents.
A Driver Loses Control of Their Vehicle
In some cases, it may not be possible to determine who is responsible when a driver loses control of their vehicle and causes an accident. If there were no obvious signs of negligence on either side—such as speeding or recklessness—then both drivers may share responsibility for the accident depending on how much blame each party holds under state laws.
Discuss Liability in Your Accident with Leifer & Ramirez
Since each case is unique, consulting with an experienced lawyer should always be your first step after being involved in a side-impact crash, so you know your rights and legal options. With proper legal guidance from an attorney, you can ensure that you get full compensation from whoever is responsible for causing your accident. Contact our lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez to discuss your case during a free consultation. Call 561-660-9421 today.
We serve clients throughout the state of Florida, including Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Pompano Beach, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach.