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What Happens When You Get in an Uber Accident?

Over the past few years rideshare services such as Uber have established a strong business presence in South Florida, with over 10,000 registered drivers having provided 1 million rides in the past two years.

With more and more Uber drivers on the road at any given time, it stands to reason that there will eventually be accidents that involve injuries to Uber passengers. In this post, we will look at how an injured passenger can recover the costs of their medical bills and other Uber accident-related expenses.

The basic principles of liability still apply in any rideshare accident: The driver found to be at fault is responsible for damages to the other driver’s vehicle, any injuries to the driver and passengers in the other vehicle, and any injuries to the passengers in the Uber vehicle.

The potential problem lies in how Uber’s liability insurance carrier will respond to personal injury and property damage claims after an accident. An experienced Boca Raton car accident attorney can answer any questions on liability.

Read: How is Ridesharing like Uber Different from a Taxi Service?

Florida’s “No Fault” Insurance and Uber Accidents

As everyone knows, Florida is a “no fault” state.

This means that, in case of an accident, each driver’s auto insurance will cover property damage to the driver’s vehicle and the driver’s Personal Injury Protection insurance will cover medical expenses. A potential problem arises when a passenger in an Uber vehicle is injured because practically all auto insurance policies have a clause that bars any claim against the driver’s auto insurance if that vehicle is being operated as a “for hire” or “commercial” vehicle. In other words, the Uber driver’s personal auto insurance is off the hook when it comes to paying for your injuries.

Uber does provide some coverage for its drivers and their passengers through a company-wide liability policy.

For this policy to provide compensation for accidental injuries, the injured party must have been a passenger in an Uber vehicle and must be en route from a pickup point to a destination along the route prescribed by Uber’s software. In other words, if you’re a passenger and the driver hasn’t taken an alternate route to your destination (for example, to avoiding traffic tie ups or construction zones), you’re covered. Under any other circumstances, watch out for Uber’s insurance carrier trying to find a reason to deny responsibility!

Like any other insurance company, Uber’s liability carrier will feign concern for your health but will pounce on any reason to deny coverage. If their insurance carrier can’t find a reason to deny your injury claim, they will do everything that they can to limit the amount of money that it will cost them to settle.

Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Uber Accident

Any time that there is a car accident the police will investigate the circumstances of the accident. This is purely a collection of facts and does not determine, once and for all, who was responsible and who will be required to pay damages to whom. Although questions of liability can often be settled based on the accident report, a strict determination of liability is a matter that is decided by a civil jury.

If you were injured in an accident while a passenger in an Uber vehicle, or if your auto was involved in a traffic accident with an Uber vehicle, you should arrange a consultation with a Boca Raton personal injury lawyer who is experienced in dealing with Florida insurance and motor vehicle law. Only an auto accident lawyer with experience in these areas can protect your legal right to compensation for your injuries!

Do you know Florida named worst state to be in a Car Accident? Read from here: /2016/11/02/florida-named-worst-state-car-accident/

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