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Understanding Pedestrian-Vehicle Collisions


Walking can be a great source of exercise. It is also a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly alternative to driving. But unfortunately, the benefits don’t outweigh the fact that the road can be a risky place for pedestrians who happen to come in contact with a negligent or reckless driver who is sitting behind the wheel of a car. An unfortunate example of this was reported recently by Local 10 News in an article about a driver who recently left two pedestrians injured in Davie during a weekend collision. The pair was reportedly run over by the driver in the Friday night accident that led to the road being closed down. A spokesman for the Davie Police Department has publicly asserted that the crash is remaining under investigation. The extent of the pedestrians’ injuries has not been released.

The Risks of Walking For Pedestrians 

Florida’s year-round beautiful weather and mild climate provide ideal conditions for walking from one destination to another as an alternative to driving. But unfortunately, statistics support the fact that Florida is a dangerous place for pedestrians to be traveling on foot. For example, the results of one report indicated that nine of the 20 deadliest U.S. cities for pedestrians are in Florida. That unfortunately has earned the Sunshine State the dark honor of being the deadliest state for pedestrians.

Why Can a Collision With a Car Have Such Tragic Results for Pedestrians?  

The fact that pedestrian-vehicle accidents can lead to such traumatic results actually makes sense. As pedestrians, we have very little protection surrounding us that could act as a buffer between us and a vehicle we happen to collide with. While motorists have the substantial protection of layers of metal, pedestrians have mere layers of clothing that offers pedestrians minimal protection from anything they happen to encounter on the road. And as even motorists who have the extra protection of the surrounding vehicle can be severely injured in a collision, it is tragic, but unsurprising that pedestrians who lack this protection can suffer from an even worse fate.

Common Causes of Pedestrian-Vehicle Collisions  

  • Overgrown vegetation
  • Low visibility at night
  • Alcohol impaired and drugged drivers
  • Distracted behavior like texting and driving and listening to music while walking
  • Failure of the pedestrians to wear reflective clothing or panels when visibility is low
  • Pedestrians crossing the street in random areas away from crosswalks

Have You or a Pedestrian You Care About Been Injured Because of a Driver’s Negligence?

We unfortunately can’t change the fact that pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable parties on the road and tragic injuries often follow collisions on the road involving them. However, as the experienced  South Florida pedestrian accident attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez, we can help pedestrians maximize the rights they have under the law after they have been injured because of someone else’s negligent actions. If you have found yourself in this situation, you should allow our experienced legal team to fight for you while you focus on recovering and help you recover expenses such as your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Contact us today to begin.


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