How Do I Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer in Florida?

While it is possible, it is very difficult to take on your own personal injury case. Learning the law, an area that you are likely not familiar with, can be tricky and time consuming. It is for this reason that most people who have been injured turn to an attorney for help with their personal injury case.
Finding the right lawyer can make or break your personal injury case. There are many types of lawyers, and you need to find someone who deals specifically with personal injury cases. For example, the attorney who did your will or your real estate opinion is likely not the best option for your personal injury case; instead, you will want someone with very specific characteristics.
1. Look for an attorney in your geographic area.
Laws vary from state to state, sometimes significantly. For personal injury cases that happen in the Boca Raton, Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, or surrounding areas, you want an attorney that works where you live.
A local attorney will not only know the state and local laws, he or she will also know the judges in the area and other attorneys. This can be very helpful in a personal injury case.
It is also very convenient to actually be able to meet with your attorney in person as your case progresses. Having an attorney who has a conveniently located office can definitely cut down on some of the stress of dealing with a personal injury claim.
2. Look for an attorney with experiences that are similar to your case.
Which attorney you choose will depend on what type of case you have. Just as there are many types of lawyers, there are also many types of personal injury cases. Some attorneys do only specific types of personal injury cases while others do all types.
Do some initial digging for attorneys in your area. Determine what types of cases the attorney usually takes and how many years he or she has been in practice. These years of experience will be invaluable for your case.
If you have a dangerous drug case, for example, someone who normally only does car accident cases may not be the best lawyer for you. Cases that deal with medicine or healthcare can be especially tricky for the average personal injury attorney.
Be sure that whomever you are considering has done cases like yours before. Feel free to ask these types of questions directly when you meet him or her. It is your case, and you should be sure that it is in good hands.
3. Be sure that you are comfortable with your potential attorney.
We would strongly suggest setting up an initial consultation with any attorney that you are considering. This not only lets the attorney evaluate your case, but you can also get a feel for your comfort level with this attorney.
In personal injury cases, you will be sharing a great deal of personal or private information with your attorney. You want to be sure that you are comfortable and can trust your lawyer. Without this confidence and trust, your case could face serious obstacles.
Your potential attorney should also be genuinely interested in you, your problems, and your case. If the lawyer seems aloof when you tell him or her about the case, then this is probably not the attorney for you. You want someone who is willing to go the extra mile for you and cares about you as a person.
4. Pick an attorney whose cost plan will work for you.
Attorneys in personal injury cases vary greatly on how they charge their clients. They can bill hourly or operate on a contingency. They may also require money up front as a “retainer”. Get all of this information before you make a decision. Your payment plan should work for you and your budget!
A Few Final Thoughts on Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer in Florida
Picking an attorney can be time consuming, but choosing the right one can definitely be worth the extra effort. Ultimately, it is your decision and you need to be comfortable working with this person throughout the duration of your case.
You may need to eventually go with your gut, but do your research first!