New Future Firefighter Program to Protect Our Community

Did you know that most fires start at home? From unattended candles and curling irons to not cleaning out the lint trap in your dryer, the home can be one of the most dangerous places for fires…especially if you have children.
The “Burning” Facts
According to the American Burn Association, there are approximately 3,200 deaths from fire and smoke inhalation each year. And approximately 2,800 of these deaths are from residential accidents and fires. The odds of an individual or child dying from exposure to flames or smoke is 1 in 1,418.
Put out the Smoke
In 2013, Wellington High School launched a new program to help kids put out fires and to even learn the “tricks of the trade” in becoming a firefighter. This program is devoted to teaching kids, teenagers, and young adults—our future firefighters—the basics of fire prevention, safety tips, and even real life examples and cases of fires.
This program is one of the first of its kind in the area and has already received a great deal of support from surrounding communities, law enforcement organizations, and other local firefighters.
Protecting Our Children
Burn injuries are all too common. And much like any accident, they can easily be prevented. With a little fire prevention tips and maintenance, we all can make our homes that much safer—and protect our children.
Children really are our future…and we should invest in them. This program can enroll up to 200 students at one time, and can really pave the professional road for a rewarding, exciting, and heroic career as a future firefighter.
No “Blowing Smoke”
If our community continues to support this program, and others, we may be able to help reduce the number of fatal residential fires, smoke-related deaths, and even the number of burn injuries our hospitals and emergency rooms see and treat each year, making our homes, schools, and communities a safer place.
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