Fort Lauderdale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

With hundreds of miles of beautiful coastline and gorgeous year-round weather, it comes as no surprise that Florida is one of the most popular states for motorcyclists. However, far too often other drivers on the road are not looking for motorcycles and that is when tragic accidents can occur. The Fort Lauderdale motorcycle accident lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez have represented many victims of motorcycle accidents and are prepared to fight for full compensation of your claims.

Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, some types happen more often than others. This is typically because the drivers of larger vehicles are not paying attention or looking for smaller motorcycles on the road. The most common types of motorcycle accidents include the following:

  • Left hand turn accidents: when a car turns left into an oncoming motorcycle
  • Rear end accidents: when a car runs into the back of a motorcycle
  • Head on collisions: when the front end of a car hits the front of a motorcycle
  • Lane changing accidents: when a car changes lanes without looking for a motorcycle first
  • Door accidents: when a driver opens a car door without looking for a motorcyclist – typically happens in urban areas

Compensation for Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Given the serious nature of most motorcycle injuries, compensation for motorcycle accidents is absolutely necessary for victims. An experienced personal injury attorney knows to pursue all forms of restitution for these types of accidents, including economic and non-economic damages. Following an accident, you may be entitled to the following:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Wrongful death

In fatal accidents, the family of the victim can file a lawsuit for wrongful death. This includes additional compensation for items such as funeral costs as well as the loss of love, security, and consortium. Under Florida law, the victim or a family member of a motorcycle accident has four years from the date of an accident to file a lawsuit for damages in court.

What to Do After an Accident

If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, the most important thing you need to do is seek medical treatment. This should be done immediately after the accident to ensure your health and safety. Some injuries are internal and may not be immediately realized and others may need immediate treatment to save your life. In addition, seeing a doctor right after the accident creates documentation that can help you later with your claims.

You should also alert the police, so they can take an accident report. If possible, document the scene. Take pictures and video, get the contact information of witnesses, and note any physical or property damage. Finally, do not talk to an insurer without an attorney present, even to your own insurance company. The insurers’ main goal is to resolve the accident as quickly and cheaply as possible, which is not in your best interest. A personal injury attorney can be there to protect your rights and preserve your claim.

Call a Fort Lauderdale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Now

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident in the Fort Lauderdale area, the clock is already ticking on your claims. Call the office or contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys today.