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Boca Raton Birth Injury Lawyer

Childbirth is complex – no one doubts that. While many things can go wrong genetically that are out of the control of any physician, there are times a physician or healthcare professional is responsible for birth-related injuries and defects.

These types of cases are not only complex, but emotionally devastating. Our Boca Raton birth injury lawyers understands how sensitive these types of cases are and we also understand how traumatic they can be.

Birth Injuries and Defects

Most babies are born healthy. But, in the United States, two to seven babies out of every 1,000 are injured during birth. These injuries can be the result of:

  • The baby’s size
  • Baby’s position during labor
  • Maternal complications
  • Narrow birth canal
  • Pre-existing medical conditions

It is important to note that note that not all birth injuries or defects are automatic medical malpractice cases. Instead, there must be negligence on behalf of the medical professional – and your lawyers must prove that the incompetence of that medical professional is what led to the injury or defect of the baby or mother.

Birth Injuries Have Devastating, Long-Term Effects on the Baby and Family

A birth injury or defect doesn’t just affect the newborn – it affects the entire family. The costs of caring for a sick child can be astounding and the emotional pain parents will endure is tragic in itself. From losing a child in childbirth to having a sick newborn that stays in the hospital from the day they are born, no one should have to go through such situations.

Do You Have a Valid Claim?

Birth defects and injuries fall under medical malpractice in personal injury law. To file your claim for birth injuries or defects, you will need to prove that the doctor or other healthcare professional was not only negligent, but that their negligence led to the birth defect or injury.

Some common claims that are filed in this type of medical malpractice case include:

  • Failure to diagnose a genetic condition
  • Failure to diagnose and treat a maternal infection, which led to the child’s injuries
  • Failure to perform a C-section and remove a baby in distress
  • Failure to follow up with a patient’s maternal care, misdiagnosing or failure to diagnose
  • Failure to use reasonable care while delivering the baby
  • Prescribing medications that are unsafe for pregnant women
  • Failure to confirm pregnancy before prescribing medication or performing procedures that can cause harm to the fetus

In order to prove that you have a valid medical malpractice claim, the attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez will have to prove four critical factors:

  1. You hired the physician or medical professional to oversee your prenatal care.
  2. The physician or healthcare professional acted incompetently.
  3. The negligence of that individual or hospital led to your baby’s defect or injury.
  4. The negligence and injury/defect led to damages (or losses).

To prove this, we will review your medical history, doctor’s notes and consult other physicians who work on similar types of cases. We will show that other medical professionals would have acted differently in similar situations; therefore, proving that the medical professional did not use a reasonable level of care in your case.

  • Birth injury attorneys Boca Raton
  • Birth injury lawyers Boca Raton
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  • Birth injury lawyers West Palm Beach
  • Birth injury attorneys Fort Lauderdale
  • Birth injury lawyers Fort Lauderdale

Common Types of Birth Injuries

There are a lot of birth injuries and defects that could be prevented. While some are out of the hands of medical professionals, others are because of their negligence. Common birth injuries and defects include:

  • Brain injury
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Developmental delays or learning disorders
  • Epilepsy
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Fluid in the brain
  • Birth asphyxia
  • Brain bleeds from birthing trauma
  • Microcephaly
  • Motor coordination disorders
  • Loss of limbs
  • Seizures
  • Speed delays
  • Subdural hemorrhage
  • Septic shock
  • Sepsis
  • Stroke
  • Breathing problems
  • Meningitis
  • Infection
  • Meconium aspiration syndrome

Contact Our Boca Raton Birth Injury Lawyers

If your newborn suffered from injuries during birth or was born with a preventable defect, then you may have a case for medical malpractice. The Leifer & Ramirez legal team will assess your case and we can tell you right away if you have a valid claim.

Our Boca Raton birth injury lawyers are sympathetic to what you are going through and we are here to help. If you think you have a valid medical malpractice claim for a defect or injury during birth, call us today for a free consultation.

There is no obligation to hire us if you meet with us, and if you choose to hire us, you don’t pay us unless we win your case. Our Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach Offices serving all of Florida. Call now to get started.

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